God’s Perfect Satellite (GPS - 3)

We left our last lesson discussing how to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit of God. He has numerous names because He (as God) does many things for the Believer. He counsels, He comforts, He teaches, He reminds, He guides, He strengthens, He seals, He enhances, and He does many other things for us and with us. However, in this lesson we will briefly speak on His guidance system which we (ihlcc) call God’s Perfect Satellite (GPS –3). This holy satellite is forever positioned in the third Heaven with God the Father and the risen Savoir Jesus Christ. He, in His omnipresence, is also positioned inside each believer. Although He is in His fullness in Heaven He stores a receiver within every believer. He also transmits to every person upon the earth that will listen to God. He starts the process by convicting hearts of men unto repentance from evil (sin) to draw closer to God (acceptance of Jesus as Lord) according to John 16:8-11. Just as we rely on a natural Global Positioning System to give us the current directions if we are lost, the same goes for God’s GPS system. He is our guide to light the way in this cold dark world. John 16 goes on to say in verse 13 that GPS – 3 is all truth and His purpose on earth is to guide men into all truth. Therefore if you would like to fine-tune your reception to God it is simply a matter of fine-tuning your reception to truth. Truth is identified in the Holy Bible as the Word of God in its proper context. The Holy Bible is full of truth and truly speaks of all men. The key to knowing truth is studying God’s Word to understand exactly what God said. Truth is revealed in spirit so one must be born-again of God’s Spirit to be an accurate receptor of God’s Perfect Satellite. Yes, being a born-again child of God places a holy receiver inside of your spiritual heart but then each believer must desire more knowledge of God to grow and develop in Christ. The heart of every believer should be to draw-out as much of God’s Presence as they can spiritually and physically stand. This means constantly walking in love with people on the earth and maintaining constant fellowship with God through diligent study of the Holy Bible. Believers must maintain their position accord to GPS-3 so we can fulfill our calling (our part) upon the earth. The Word of God tells us what to carry out while the gifts and talents from the Lord enable us to do it. The Lord has placed us in a blessed position on the earth because we are centered in Christ. Now it is our responsibility before God and our fellow man to keep our holy receiver (our spirit) accurately tuned-in to God’s frequency of truth. You hear truth by knowing God’s Word well enough to consistently recognize God’s Voice presented to you through GPS-3. Then you must understand that God’s love is the spiritual motive of everything He does. So to clearly hear God’s instructions for your life, you must first clearly identify God’s Love and in the midst of God’s Love you will also see truth. This truth you find will set you free and also free others entrapped around you in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!